International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Yazarlar: Elena V. VASİLEVA, Oleg V. ZAKHAROV, Alevtina G. KULAGİNA, Oksana V. SVEKLOVA, Lyudmila V. SELİVERSTOVA
Konular:Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası
Anahtar Kelimeler:Professional competence,Interdisciplinary integration,Higher mathematics,Theoretical mechanics
Özet: It is impossible to imagine the modern educational process without the interrelation between disciplines of different orientation. The necessity to introduce interdisciplinary integration arises in the process of forming the professional competence of students of machine building specialties already from the 1st and 2nd courses of higher schools. The introduction of contemporary teaching methods, their compilation with the classical methodology allows us to form an effective link between such classic subjects of engineering specialties as higher mathematics and theoretical mechanics studied at the machine building faculty of I.N.Ulyanov Chuvash State University. The article considers ways to introduce interdisciplinary communication in the educational process on the example of such basic subjects as "Mathematics" and "Theoretical mechanics". A problem in the course of "Theoretical mechanics" with a detailed study of the interdisciplinary relationship is analyzed.