International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science
Yazarlar: Mira Gusti Ramailis, Iwan Triyuwono, Aji Dedi Mulawarman
Anahtar Kelimeler:Capital,Transcedental Phenomenology,Batobo
Özet: The purpose of this research was to reveal and comprehend the meaning of capital in Batobo tradition. Batobo is a traditional farmer organization, in the agriculture part of the Malay society. It has been doing and agreed together and taken the turn each the fields of their members that have been agreed by them. The place has exactly been in Riau province, Kuantan district Singingi Village Kunik. Establish the enthusiastic of solidarity, family, and build up the human relationship which can be useful for many people. This Capital significance research in batobo tradition does not focus in the significance only but the capital is also useful for the society. The contribution of this research is to present regional social accounting, namely accounting that is based on social norms that care about society and the environment, and then can maintain and introduce batobo culture by embracing the nephews (millennial society) who are present in the era of modernization by not eliminating the traditional values of batobo.In research resulted in three types of capital used in the name social capital, economic capital, and spiritual capital. This research uses an interpretive paradigm with methodology phenomenology. This research concluded that there are six significances of capital from the member batobo, they are mutual cooperation, friendship, cooperative, responsibility, donation and worship.