International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences
Yazarlar: Şeniz Akçay Yalbuzdağ, Banu SARIFAKIOĞLU, Sevgi İKBALİ AFŞAR, Kübra USTAÖMER
Anahtar Kelimeler:Hot and Dry Foot,Bladder Cancer,Symphatethic Nerve System
Özet: Primary or metastatic neoplastic diseases of retroperitoneal space may invade nerves and may cause referred pain in different sides from the primary origin. Neurological deficits might be added to the clinical signs due to involvement of lumbosacral plexus. Rarely the ‘hot and dry foot’ clinic may arise due to the deafferentation of sympathetic nerve system which might be the first sign of retroperitoneal space pathologies. In this manuscript we aimed to define the ‘hot and dry foot’ and the other clinical signs those might be the first symptoms of retroperitoneal metastatic involvement in light of a patient with bladder cancer.