International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences
Yazarlar: Batuhan TAY, Furkan KARACA, Hakan ALAN
Konular:Sağlık Bilimleri ve Hizmetleri
Özet: Purpose: The aim of this research is to examine the measures taken by people against the SARS-Cov-2 (COVID 19) virus, which appeared in Wuhan, China in 2019 and affected the world in a short time. Materials and methods: The sample of the study was made up of public and private sector employees and students. A survey prepared by researchers was used as a data collection tool. In the research, the data were also examined with chi-square analysis for possible differences and descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage. Findings: Significant findings were found that the measures taken against coronavirus differ and relate to gender, the sector in which people work, and whether they have chronic illness or not. Results: The majority of participants in the coronavirus outbreak in Turkey has been implementing basic measures. However, the use of masks is lower than expected. Contrary to expectations, people without chronic illnesses are more careful and conscious about using masks than people with chronic illnesses. It was understood that women tried to be protected against this epidemic by applying more precautions. Until vaccine or treatment is found, measures taken by people against the coronavirus epidemic can be an effective method against coronavirus.