Journal of Medical and Health Studies
Yazarlar: Barthélemy Mabika, Nicole Josiane Andeme, Sidonie Solange Nguizi Ogoula, Guy Joseph Lémamy
Anahtar Kelimeler:Immunohistochemical profile;,Reast carcinomas,Olecular markers,Ormonal receptors;,ER2/Neu,I67
Özet: To establish the immunohistochemical profile of the molecular markers of free-ranging breast carcinomas. Descriptive retrospective study over 3 years from July 2014 to September 2017. The tumour samples came from the Anatomical Pathology Laboratories of the Omar Bongo Ondimba Army Instruction Hospital and the University of Health Sciences. In total, the records of 60 patients with histologically proven breast carcinoma with the immunohistochemical study were included in the study. The following molecular markers, hormone receptors (estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors), the HER2/Neu oncogene, and the Ki67 cell proliferation marker, was identified using the Immunohistochemistry technique.The average age was 47.6 years, with extremes of 15 and 69 years. Depending on the location, the right breast was most commonly affected (50%). Histologically, there was a predominance of infiltrating ductal carcinomas (66.6%) and a majority SBR III grade (50%). This study revealed an immunohistochemical profile of positive hormone receptors: ERs + (13.3%); PRs + (8.3%) and a Ki67 profile positive in 10% of tumors. The molecular classification into 4 subtypes (Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2 and Triple Negative) places the Luminal A group in the first rank (33.3%) followed by the Luminal B (15%), Triple Negative (11.6%) and HER2 (8.3%). The present work is the first study reporting the immunohistochemical profile of molecular markers of mammary carcinomas in Gabon. It would be necessary to continue this study on a larger and wider cohort throughout Gabon because the knowledge of the immunohistochemical profile gives an indication of the origin of breast cancers and allows to consider better management of patients by a targeted therapy to avoid unnecessary toxic effects resulting from ineffective treatment.