Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi

Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi

Dönüşümsel liderlik kavramı hakkında önde gelen teoriler ve Türkiye’de kavramı ele alan çalışmalar

Yazarlar: Ercan ÖGE, Evren AYRANCI

Cilt - , Sayı 17 , 2010 , Sayfalar 37 - 46


Anahtar Kelimeler:Transformational,Leader,Organization

Özet: Today, it is impossible for any of the organizations to be insensible to factors like change, transform and intense competition. The leaders in organizations must re-configure their organizations, for the organizations to cope up with the mentioned factors. In other words, the organizational leaders must activate a change or a transform in their organizations by considering changes of environmental conditions. In this study, the concept that is named as the “transformational leadership” in literature and that enables the process of change and / or transformation is subjected. A literature review was performed for the subject and the prominent transformational leadership theories in the literature were analyzed. In the last part of this study, the summaries of the contemporary studies that use business management point-of-view and that subject transformational leadership in Turkey were cited

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@article{2010, title={Dönüşümsel liderlik kavramı hakkında önde gelen teoriler ve Türkiye’de kavramı ele alan çalışmalar}, number={17}, publisher={Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi}, author={Ercan ÖGE,Evren AYRANCI}, year={2010}, pages={37–46} }
Ercan ÖGE,Evren AYRANCI. (2010). Dönüşümsel liderlik kavramı hakkında önde gelen teoriler ve Türkiye’de kavramı ele alan çalışmalar (pp. 37–46). pp. 37–46. Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi.
Ercan ÖGE,Evren AYRANCI. Dönüşümsel Liderlik Kavramı Hakkında Önde Gelen Teoriler ve Türkiye’de Kavramı Ele Alan Çalışmalar. no. 17, Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2010, pp. 37–46.