Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi
Yazarlar: Vedat ÖZYAZGAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Örme kumaş hataları,Örme iğneleri,Yuvarlak örme makinesi
Özet: The textile sector, as the driving force of Turkey's exports and economy, is the most providing foreign currency inflow. A large part of Turkey's exports of textile includes knitted fabric and knitted fabric apparel. In spite of this high factor of the knitted fabrics manufacturing errors and a wide range of scientific problems arising from non-scientific working style are widely encountered. Reclamation cost arising from manufacturing errors in the textile sector is quite heavy and in worrisome dimensions. In this paper, errors encountered in circular knitting machines and their effect on the tissue, and techniques to eliminate these errors were investigated. Preventing faulty products, ensuring quality, in other words dominating the process is the main objective. Towards that goal, in this work cause of the faults and solutions are taken as a whole.