Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi
Yazarlar: S Sadık SAYILGANOĞLU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Local government,Local politics,Ethical principles,Democracy
Özet: Local governments, thebirthplace of democracy, culture and organizational structures that develop. The organizational structures of the society’s management and the higher the possibility to participate in the decision-making process is preparing the ground for the emergence of a lot of individual and social values. Local government is close to the public, it found that in the society’s moral principles and cultural values to point to the appropriate course of action requires more careful. This proximity to the community, providing positive and negative aspects of the assessment of the ability of local government administration. In the local government management mechanism, decision-making and is likely to be a case of some weaknesses in the implementation process. These weaknesses and unethical violation of ethical principles in the process can lead to the formation of behavior. Ethics, although this varies between communities, are the values that developed the idea of protecting the right to fair treatment and individuals. The violation of these values is the feminine ethics. Today the most common ones in unethical behavior in local government: bribery, extortion, embezzlement, nepotism, conflict of interest, abuse of office in order to obtain personal benefits, in the form of non-partisanship and the public interest can be counted. Of local governments to address such unethical practices, we can evaluate the effective solutions as a necessity. Founded in municipal ethics commissions, for unethical practices are the most effective control mechanisms.
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