

Sabri F. Ülgener'in “İktisadi Çözülmenin Ahlak ve Zihniyet Dünyası" eseri hakkında bir nceleme"

Yazarlar: Muhammed DAĞ

Cilt 5 , Sayı 1 , 2021 , Sayfalar 117 - 128



Anahtar Kelimeler:Sabri F. Ülgener,Mentality,Economic Decline,Max Weber

Özet: Sabri F. Ulgener, who is an important writer in the field of economic history, is also an important social scientist who has studied in different disciplines and has shown interest in different disciplines. Ülgener focused on, in Turkey, inability to achieve capitalist development, particularly the extent and scope of the relationship between economic decline and mentality. Ülgener's “(İktisadî Çözülmenin Ahlâk ve Zihniyet Dünyası) The Moral and Mental World of Economic Dissolution” is a study that deals with these issues. Using literary and religious sources related to the period, Ülgener examines the ethics of economy, economic mentality and dissolution concepts. He argues that, despite the progress of the Western world, the material and moral reasons of the economic decline experienced by the Eastern world should be taken into account together. According to Ülgener, the Ottoman decline was not a political and military one, but a transformation of an intellectual, artistic and educational medieval morality. Medieval morality imposes a closed lifestyle that is contented with little. Economic decline is closely related to morality, which is the whole of norms and rules of action, and the mentality, which is the sum of the values and beliefs that direct one's behavior. In this study, in the center of Ülgener's work titled “(İktisadî Çözülmenin Ahlâk ve Zihniyet Dünyası) The Moral and Mental World of Economic Dissolution”, economic decline, the mentality roots of the failure of the entrepreneurial culture and their consequences were tried to be emphasized.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2021, title={Sabri F. Ülgener’in “İktisadi Çözülmenin Ahlak ve Zihniyet Dünyası" eseri hakkında bir nceleme" }, volume={5}, number={117–128}, publisher={İçtimaiyat}, author={Muhammed DAĞ}, year={2021} }
Muhammed DAĞ. (2021). Sabri F. Ülgener’in “İktisadi Çözülmenin Ahlak ve Zihniyet Dünyası" eseri hakkında bir nceleme" (Vol. 5). Vol. 5. İçtimaiyat.
Muhammed DAĞ. Sabri F. Ülgener’in “İktisadi Çözülmenin Ahlak ve Zihniyet Dünyası" Eseri Hakkında Bir Nceleme" . no. 117–128, İçtimaiyat, 2021.