

Harizmî'nin Kitâbu’l-Cebr ve’l-Mukâbele İsimli Eserinin Arap Dilindeki Yeri ve Önemi

Yazarlar: İsmail EKİNCİ

Cilt 5 , Sayı 1 , 2021 , Sayfalar 103 - 116

Konular:Dil Bilim


Anahtar Kelimeler:Arabic Language and Rhetoric,Khwarizmi,Algebra,Maths,Muqabele

Özet: One of the criteria for a language to be an affluent and literary language is that the language is affluent in terms of vocabulary. Using a word for more than one meaning and using more than one different word for a single meaning is a feature that enriches the language. The fact that the vocabulary is affluent in many fields such as all branches of science, art, press, sports, apart from the words used in the spoken language, is a factor that makes the language affluent. After Islam, with both Islamic sciences and positive sciences, Arabic developed both grammatically and in terms of vocabulary. Many words such as zero, algebra and muqabele used in mathematics from positive sciences were redefined by Islamic scholars and brought to Arabic. One of the Islamic scholars who contributed to Arabic with many terms and calculations in the field of mathematics is Khwarezmi. Khwarezmi brought many new mathematical terms to Arabic and at the same time gave new meanings to many words that exist in Arabic, and revealed many terms of usage. In this study, the life and works of Khwarezmi were given, his work named Kitab al-Algebra val-Muqabele was examined and it was tried to reveal the contributions of Khwarezmi to the Arabic language with this work.

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@article{2021, title={Harizmî’nin Kitâbu’l-Cebr ve’l-Mukâbele İsimli Eserinin Arap Dilindeki Yeri ve Önemi}, volume={5}, number={103–116}, publisher={İçtimaiyat}, author={İsmail EKİNCİ}, year={2021} }
İsmail EKİNCİ. (2021). Harizmî’nin Kitâbu’l-Cebr ve’l-Mukâbele İsimli Eserinin Arap Dilindeki Yeri ve Önemi (Vol. 5). Vol. 5. İçtimaiyat.
İsmail EKİNCİ. Harizmî’nin Kitâbu’l-Cebr ve’l-Mukâbele İsimli Eserinin Arap Dilindeki Yeri ve Önemi. no. 103–116, İçtimaiyat, 2021.