

A Simulation Technique for Controlled Demolition of Buildings

Yazarlar: Volkan TAVŞAN, Ali GÜRBÜZ, Temel TÜRKER

Cilt 2 , Sayı 2 , 2021 , Sayfalar 36 - 43

Konular:İnşaat ve Yapı Teknolojisi

Anahtar Kelimeler:Demoliton of building,Controlled demolition of building,Simulation of demolition

Özet: The fact that there are some structures, which is unlicensed or is vulnerable to or expire their lifetime, has led to the search for new demolition techniques in order to be carried out urban transformation studies faster and more effectively. Due to the many advantages of controlled demolition of buildings by explosives, which have been successfully applied for many years. When this method applied properly on structures, such as towers, chimneys, silos, bridges etc., it has wider application are at hant raditional demolition techniques due to lower cost and faster method. The most common problem inbuilding demolition by explosives is that the building does not collapse or collapse in the desired direction. The amount of charge, hole design, delay interval and blasting sequence must be determined correctly for the most accurate planning of controlled demolition of buildings. Simulation of the finite element model in the planning of his process is beneficial for the design of the demolition that is closest to reality. For this purpose, a simulation program has been prepared to analyze the structural behavior of the buildings which planned to be demolished by using explosives and to ensure that the demolition mechanism can be estimated as close to reality as possible. In this simulation program, demolition design of a typical reinforced concrete structure has been prepared.

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@article{2021, title={A Simulation Technique for Controlled Demolition of Buildings}, volume={2}, number={36–43}, publisher={Sciennovation}, author={Volkan TAVŞAN,Ali GÜRBÜZ,Temel TÜRKER}, year={2021} }
Volkan TAVŞAN,Ali GÜRBÜZ,Temel TÜRKER. (2021). A Simulation Technique for Controlled Demolition of Buildings (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Sciennovation.
Volkan TAVŞAN,Ali GÜRBÜZ,Temel TÜRKER. A Simulation Technique for Controlled Demolition of Buildings. no. 36–43, Sciennovation, 2021.