

An Investigation on Profile Tension Measurement and Dynamic Load Analysis in Steel Roofs

Yazarlar: Selim TAŞKAYA

Cilt 2 , Sayı 2 , 2021 , Sayfalar 6 - 16

Konular:İnşaat ve Yapı Teknolojisi

Anahtar Kelimeler:Steel Roof,Finite Element Method,Profile and Dynamic Loal Analysis

Özet: Whether new buildings are under construction, or the old building, bathhouse, social complex, etc. Static calculations in building systems and dynamic load analysis are carried out within the margin of error while creating roof systems, whether for the purpose of monitoring the structural behavior of buildings. Roof systems are created using one of many models. One of them is the finite element method. With this method, the distance between nodes from many nodes is measured and modeled. In our study, while creating a steel roof system in a structure of 10 floors 30.50 meters height, 23 * 22 meters width and length, 506 m2, as a result of physical calculations, load analysis, wind load, load combinations, steel frame calculations, equipment, torsion moments according to which parameters analysis was made as needed.

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@article{2021, title={An Investigation on Profile Tension Measurement and Dynamic Load Analysis in Steel Roofs}, volume={2}, number={6–16}, publisher={Sciennovation}, author={Selim TAŞKAYA}, year={2021} }
Selim TAŞKAYA. (2021). An Investigation on Profile Tension Measurement and Dynamic Load Analysis in Steel Roofs (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Sciennovation.
Selim TAŞKAYA. An Investigation on Profile Tension Measurement and Dynamic Load Analysis in Steel Roofs. no. 6–16, Sciennovation, 2021.