Ordu Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Çalışmaları Dergisi
Yazarlar: Zehra KAYA, Nevin HOTUN ŞAHİN, Fatma Nur DEMİRCİ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Contraception,Contraceptive,Women health,Reproductive health,Married women
Özet: Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the contraceptive preferences of married women between the ages of 18-49 and the causes of contraceptive discontinuation. Methods: The research was conducted descriptive type with 200 married women who applied to a Family Health Service between March-July 2019. The data were collected through the participant introduction form created by the researchers. Results: It was determined that the mean age of the women was 35.80 ± 7.35, 93% of them used a contraceptive (modern method: 63.9%, traditional method: 36.02. It was found that the withdrawal and condom were the most preferred contraceptives by women due to the ease of use (46.2% -37.5%) and the IUD because of high protection (62.5%). It was found that 22.5% of the women were not satisfied with the contraceptive they used, and 56.5% of them discontinued using contraceptive. It was determined that condom was discontinued due to partner request (discomfort) (82.5%), combined oral contraceptive and IUD due to health problems (48.5% -70%), and withdrawal due to unwanted pregnancy (60%). A statistically significant relationship was found between the use of the method and economic status, unwanted pregnancy, and counseling (p <0.05). Conclusion: Among the reasons for women to prefer a contraceptive are mostly; ease of use and high protection. Women discontinued using the contraceptive method or methods they used many times due to health problems, unwanted pregnancy, and desire to become pregnant. Therefore, contraception counseling should be provided to couples by health professionals in order to increase the effective use of contraceptive methods.
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