Ordu Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Çalışmaları Dergisi
Yazarlar: Elif BAŞAĞAÇ, Emel EGE
Anahtar Kelimeler:Married women,Marital adjustment,Premenstruel syndrome
Özet: Objective: Premenstrual syndrome may adversely affect daily activities, work performance, family and social relations and the quality of life of women. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relations between premenstrual syndrome symptoms and marital adjustment in married women. Methods: The sample of this descriptive and relationship-seeking study consisted of 138 married women aged between 18-49 years. The demographic question form, Premenstrual Evaluation Form (PEF) and Marital Adjustment Scale (MAS) were used in the data collection. Results: In the research, the total avarage score of the Women's Marital Adjustment Scale was 40.33 ± 12.88, the total avarage score of the Premenstrual Assessment Form was 216.18 ± 75.83. Women was found a moderate, negative and significant relationship between Marital Adjustment Scale scores and Premenstrual Assessment Form scores (p <0.05). The variables that have a significant effect on the women's marital adjustment score from The PEF sub-dimension of the depressed state, of income is listed as income assessment status, PEF organic mental characteristics, educational status, age and smoking status. This variable explained 30% of the variance of women's marital adjustment score (p <0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, the higher the score the women get on the Premenstrual Assessment Form, the lower the score they get on the Marriage Adjustment Scale. It may be suggested that women and their spouses be informed about the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome to protect and improve marital adjustment and that awareness training should be provided at double level.