Uluslararası Doğu Anadolu Fen Mühendislik ve Tasarım Dergisi

Uluslararası Doğu Anadolu Fen Mühendislik ve Tasarım Dergisi

Karabük İli Ovacık İlçesi Kırsal Yerleşimlerindeki Geleneksel Konutların Cephe Özellikleri

Yazarlar: Elif ÇETİN, Mehmet MUTLU

Cilt 3 , Sayı 1 , 2021 , Sayfalar 221 - 239



Anahtar Kelimeler:Karabük,Ovacık,Rural settlements,Traditional housing,Facade features

Özet: Although there are many settlements that have preserved their traditional architectural texture in Ovacık district of Karabük province, the number of academic studies made in the context of architecture throughout the district is quite low. Ovacık district and its villages; loses its young population due to unemployment, education, health, insufficient social opportunities. With such problems, existing residences in rural settlements are abandoned because they cannot meet today's needs. It has been observed that the local people who try to continue their lives in the village either try to adapt these houses to today's conditions by renovating them or try to build a new house if they can. Residences in rural settlements were built by local builders using materials available in the vicinity. The construction system in the vast majority of traditional residences; The masonry system is in the form of a wooden carcass. Roofs of residences; in the form of crushed, cradle or three shoulders and covered with Turkish style tiles in original examples. Windows; It is made of wooden material, as a guillotine or casement window. The entrance doors of the residences vary as single or double wing. While examples of open cantilevers are encountered in a small number of houses, the number of houses with closed cantilevers is quite high. Generally, the toilet and ablution areas on the north facade were added to the building in the form of a protrusion. Since most of the buildings are without plaster, the carrier system setup can be easily observed. Fronts; It is kept very simple, far from decoration. With this study, it is aimed to examine the facade features of the traditional houses of Ovacık district and to reveal their local features.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2021, title={Karabük İli Ovacık İlçesi Kırsal Yerleşimlerindeki Geleneksel Konutların Cephe Özellikleri}, volume={3}, number={221–239}, publisher={Uluslararası Doğu Anadolu Fen Mühendislik ve Tasarım Dergisi}, author={Elif ÇETİN,Mehmet MUTLU}, year={2021} }
Elif ÇETİN,Mehmet MUTLU. (2021). Karabük İli Ovacık İlçesi Kırsal Yerleşimlerindeki Geleneksel Konutların Cephe Özellikleri (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. Uluslararası Doğu Anadolu Fen Mühendislik ve Tasarım Dergisi.
Elif ÇETİN,Mehmet MUTLU. Karabük İli Ovacık İlçesi Kırsal Yerleşimlerindeki Geleneksel Konutların Cephe Özellikleri. no. 221–239, Uluslararası Doğu Anadolu Fen Mühendislik ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2021.