Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Heat pipe,Heat transfer,Thermal performance,Nanofluid
Özet: Heat transfer has an important role in many industrial and consumer systems. The heat pipe is a device with high thermal conductivity used for heat transfer. Heat pipe consists of three parts; the evaporator section, which transmits heat to the working fluid: the adiabatic section used for heat transport and the concentrator section that cools the working fluid. The basic working principle of the heat pipe is to change the phase of the working fluid contained in it. The heat pipe absorbs heat from the evaporator, transforms from adiabatic section to concentrator and transmits its temperature to the environment, i.e. transfer heat from one region to another using evaporation and condensation phase change. The weak thermal conductivity of the traditional working fluids used in the heat pipe limits the effectiveness and application of heat transfer. Therefore, the idea of replacing the traditional working fluid with a working fluid with high heat transfer performance has been formed. Scientists and engineers have made great efforts to overcome this fundamental problem by distributing nano-sized particles into liquids. Nanofluids are stable solid-liquid suspension created by mixing nanoparticles with traditional working fluid. In this study, experimental and numerical research on nanofluids used in heat pipes are examined. The thermal performance and thermal resistance of the heat pipe depend on many experimental conditions. These conditions contain different parameters such as heat pipe types, nanofluid properties, design of heat pipes and working conditions.