Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Cennet YAMAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Decoction,Herbal tea,İnfusion,Mineral,Salvia officinalis
Özet: This study was aimed to determine the most efficient sample amount (2 and 3 g) and application time (5 and 10 min) for the mineral content of Salvia officinalis infusion and decoction herbal teas. Mineral analysis of the leave and herbal teas was carried out by ICP-MS. The mineral contents in the leaf are listed from high to low as Zn (63163.7 µg kg-1), Cu (31369.6 µg kg-1) , Mn (24052.4 µg kg-1), Se (7910.8 µg kg-1), Cr (443.6 µg kg-1) and Cd (27.0 µg kg-1). Transfer rates of analyzed minerals were observed higher in decoction teas. Among all minerals, Cd (21.23-22.63%) had the highest transfer rate whereas Se (0.02%) had the lowest. But, the effect of sample amount and application time on mineral yield differed according to the infusion and decoction application. The application time is more effective on all minerals in infusion teas, and sample amount was found in decoction teas. As a result, the most efficient sample amount was 3g for infusion and decoction teas. The most efficient application time for infusion teas was found to be 5 minutes, and insignificant for decoction teas. The excess consumption of the most efficient teas among the infusion and decoction samples during the day may have toxic effects in terms of Cr (20.4-61.9%), which contributes to the sufficient intake with daily diet.