Türk Klinik Biyokimya Dergisi

Türk Klinik Biyokimya Dergisi

Elevation of NT-pro-BNP levels in high fever patients without heart failure

Yazarlar: Hacer Koç, Özlem Çakır Madenci, Asuman Orçun, Nihal Yücel, Şeymanur Sağlam, Nurdan Papila Topal4

Cilt 18 , Sayı 3 , 2020 , Sayfalar 136-143


Anahtar Kelimeler:CRP,Fever,NT-proBNP,Procalcitonin,Heart failure

Özet: Objective: We aimed to investigate the NT-proBNP levels in high fever patients without heart failure, to contribute to the proper request and interpretation of the test. Methods: Patients group included 31 patients who admitted with a body temperature ≥38ºC and showed no signs of heart failure on their echocardiograms. Patients were internalized in the Infectious Diseases Clinic. The control group included 31 healthy subjects. NT-pro-BNP, Procalcitonin (Cobas e 601 Roche Diagnostics, Germany), Complete Blood Count (Beckman Coulter LH 780, USA) and CRP (Siemens BN II Nephelometer, Germany) levels were evaluated. Results: Median (2.5-97.5 % percentiles) body temperature values of the patients and controls were 38.4 (38.0 - 39.8) and 36.1 (36-36.6) C° respectively (p < 0.0001). Median (2.5-97.5 % percentiles) NTproBNP levels of the patients and control groups were; 240 (48.3- 2637) and 34.8 (5.35-86) ng/L respectively (p < 0.0001). NT-proBNP levels correlated significantly with body temperature, CRP, and PCT ( r=0.761, 0.726 and 0.727 respectively, all p’s < 0.0001). We observed recovery at 8 patients (at least 48 hours without fever), and median (2.5-97.5 % percentiles) NT-proBNP levels at time of fever and without fever were 378.3 ( 80.2- 1642) and 183 (9- 419.8) ng/L, respectively ( p=0.007). In multiple regression analyses; body temperature, leucocyte count and PCT were found predictive for NT-proBNP levels. (R²=0,456, F=11.987, P<0,001) Conclusion: Despite to the normal cardiac functions, elevated NT- proBNP levels are observed in patients with fever. This situation should be considered in the interpretation of high NT- proBNP levels.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2020, title={Elevation of NT-pro-BNP levels in high fever patients without heart failure}, volume={18}, number={136–143}, publisher={Türk Klinik Biyokimya Dergisi}, author={Hacer Koç, Özlem Çakır Madenci, Asuman Orçun, Nihal Yücel, Şeymanur Sağlam, Nurdan Papila Topal4}, year={2020} }
Hacer Koç, Özlem Çakır Madenci, Asuman Orçun, Nihal Yücel, Şeymanur Sağlam, Nurdan Papila Topal4. (2020). Elevation of NT-pro-BNP levels in high fever patients without heart failure (Vol. 18). Vol. 18. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Dergisi.
Hacer Koç, Özlem Çakır Madenci, Asuman Orçun, Nihal Yücel, Şeymanur Sağlam, Nurdan Papila Topal4. Elevation of NT-pro-BNP Levels in High Fever Patients without Heart Failure. no. 136–143, Türk Klinik Biyokimya Dergisi, 2020.