Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Administrative Sciences
Yazarlar: Cao Liang , Salman Ali Shah, Tian Bifei
Anahtar Kelimeler:FDI,Economic Growth,Developing Countries
Özet: Purpose: This study is carried out to study the relationship between FDI and economic growth of developing countries. Approach/ Methodology/ Design: The study used data from 2000 to 2019 for 113 developing and transition countries. The study used Hausman fixed effect and instrumental variables two stage least square region to trace the results. Findings: The result of the study found a positive relationship between FDI and economic growth. An increase in FDI inflow will result and upsurge in economic growth of developing country. The relationship between unemployment and economic growth is found negative. The overall results show that FDI and economic growth has a positive relationship in developing countries. Practical Implication: This study used annual data of pre pandemic. It is concluded in the study that future studies have to check the impact in post pandemic scenario. Originality/Value: Though the relationship between FDI and economic growth is studied widely in different studies. As mentioned that COVID-19 pandemic changed the world economic situation there is much more aspects of FDI and economic growth is remaining to study. The issue of FDI and economic growth for a cluster of 113 countries is addressed in this study.