Meyve Bilimi
Yazarlar: Mehmet AŞKIN, Hasan Cumhur SARISU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Prunus avium L.,Rootstock,Fruit set,Flower
Özet: The effects of rootstocks on the development of 4503, 4218, 3501, 3503 and 3201 cherry clones and 0900 Ziraat ovules grafted on Gisela 5 and Mazzard (seedling) rootstocks under Eğirdir conditions were investigated. Average survival time of primary ovules of 0900 Ziraat and its clones was 4-6 days after anthesis. Secondary ovules have completely lost their vitality to the anthesis. In 2009, the lowest ovule viability rates were determined as 30% in clone 3201 grafted on the mazzard seedling, 25% in 0900 Ziraat variety grafted on Gisela 5 in 2010, and 25% in clone 3501. The highest ovule viability rate at anthesis in 2009 was 76.67% in clone 3503 grafted on Gisela 5 rootstock and 75% in clone 3501 grafted on mazzard in 2010. The effects of rootstocks on ovule viability were not as effective as genotypes. A positive linear relationship was found between the amount of viable primary ovules during the anthesis period and fruit set.