Meyve Bilimi
Yazarlar: Evren ÜZÜMCÜ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Organic Material,Soil Analysis,Production,Productivity
Özet: The aim of this study was to determine the organic matter status of Isparta Eğirdir district apple cultivation soils by means of soil analysis. For this purpose, organic matter analyses were done on soil samples which were taken from 81 different apple orchards in 2018. According to the findings, in terms of organic matter content, 8,64 % of the surveyed soils were determined as very low, 19,75 % of the soils as low, 48,15 % of the soils as medium, 13,58 % of the soils as sufficient and 9,88 % of the soils as high. It is seen that the organic matter level of apple orchards should be increased in Eğirdir for the sustainability of productivity in production.