Yazarlar: Bilge DOĞANLI
Anahtar Kelimeler:Brand,Private brand,Cluster analysis
Özet: In the globalizing world, products are showing an increasing variety; from energy to electronics, informatics, textiles, automotive, food, and cleaning products. Consumers, whose social structures and economic incomes differ, and whose purchasing decisions differ from each other respectively, are also divided into further dividing smaller market segments. In order to be able to determine how the decisions are made, it appears that new marketing strategies need to be created and developed. Under these conditions, consumers, producers and retailers emerge as important concepts while determining the rules of branding. This study aims to determine the socioeconomic status, demographic characteristics, personal characteristics, shopping preferences and similar characteristics of customers who prefer or do not prefer supermarket brands. In the study, clustering and variance analysis and tukey tests were used in the process of determining the profile of the buyers. The information about the three clusters as a result of the analysis has been summarized and is shown in respective tables. According to the results, customers in cluster 1 with high income and high level of education are sensitive to the use of national / international brands and make their preferences in this direction. Supermarket branded products are not perceived as quality, they assume that price and quality are related. In cluster 2, there is a segment of the middle income group, who give importance to quality perception, perceive supermarket branded products as quality and find the price reasonable. In the 3rd cluster, individuals with low purchasing power define the branded product as high brand value, accessible, diverse and guaranteed by the supermarket.