Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Arzu SEÇER, Mutlu BULUT
Anahtar Kelimeler:Bottled water,Logit analysis,Demographic factors
Özet: In Turkey, bottled water market has shown a rapid development since the 1990s. This study is aim to reveal demographic and economic factors affecting on bottled water consumption in Adana. A logistic regression model was used to achieve research goal. The results of the study showed that women consumers, with undergraduate and higher education consumers and individuals with monthly income of 2500 TL are more likely to consume bottled water. However, there is no relationship between age, marital status and household size variables and bottled water consumption. Bottled water companies should take into account to gender, education level and income level in their marketing strategies.