Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Feyziye DAVRAN ÇAĞLAR, Yasin DEMİR
Anahtar Kelimeler:Polivinilalkol,Poliakrilamid,Azot,Fosfor,Potasyum,Bitki besin alımı
Özet: This study was carried out to determine the effect of some soil regulating polymers (polyacrylamide and polyvinylalcohol) on plant nutrient uptake. In the experiment, 2 speciesof plants (canola and jute), 2 different polymers (polyacrylamide and polyvinylalcohol) for each plant type, 2 soil types (sandy and clayey), 4 different polymer dose levels and 3 repetitions randomly, 30 cm in diameter according to the trial pattern was established using plastic pots with a height of 40 cm. In the experiment, chemical compound fertilizer was used as the source of NPK (15:15:15). According to the results of the study, the effect of jute and canola plants on nitrogen uptake was determined that only the polymer dose is important in sandy soils where polymer dose and polymer x dose interaction are important in clay soils. Effect of jute and canola plants on phosphorus uptake has been observed to be effective in polymer x dose interaction in sand-based soils. It is concluded that the effect of canola plants on both soil types with sandy and clayey structure on phosphorus uptake has a significant effect only on the dose of polymer. It is concluded that the effect of jute plant in clay-based soil on potassium intake is only in the polymer dose. The effect of the jute plant in the sand-based soil on potassium intake has been achieved in three sources, namely polymer, dose, polymer x dose interaction. The effect of canola plant in clay-based soil on potassium intake has been observed to be effective only in polymer dose. It was concluded that the effect of canola plant in the sand-based soil on potassium intake is important in all three sources as in the jute plant.