Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Muhammed ÇUHADAR, Ela ATIŞ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Factor Analysis,Drought,Cluster Analysis,Farmers’ segments,Agriculture
Özet: Drought, where and when it will occur is uncertain and whose impact is increasing day by day as a result of human activities, causes large amounts of loss in agriculture every year. The determination of the measures to be taken against drought, of which the area covered due to climate change and the number of people affected are increasing, is of a great importance both economically and ecologically. In this study, it was aimed to determine the attitudes of farmers towards drought and to reveal the factor dimensions underlying these attitudes with Factor Analysis. In addition, using the Factor analysis results, it is aimed to separate the producers into certain segments and develop policies according to these segments. The study was carried out in the Ceyhan Basin, one of the basins that are expected to be affected the most by climate change and drought in the future. A survey with 162 farmers was conducted in Afşin, Elbistan and Ekinözü districts, which show the most drought tendency in the basin. Factor Analysis was applied to the data and dimensions named as Action, Concern, Environmental Protection, Despair and Technology were obtained. After obtaining five different dimensions from the factor analysis, the farmers were divided into three separate segments and those in the segment called “pessimists” were identified as the farmers who should be focused on drought related policies. Informative studies should be made to the farmers in this segment about the importance of technological methods for solving drought, the importance of the measures they can take for environmental protection and the importance of practices that protect the environment, and that individuals' behaviors must first change in order to solve drought.