Azərbaycan dili və ədəbiyyat tədrisi
Yazarlar: Aliya Musayeva
Anahtar Kelimeler:Speech culture,Language,Correct writing training,Spelling
Özet: Speech culture as a field of science is in the center of attention as one of the most pressing problems of linguistics. Any idea expressed must be correct, clear, logical, concise, fluent, rich, harmonious, simple, accurate and understandable in terms of the requirements of speech culture. These conditions constitute the requirements of speech culture. Speech culture is one of the most important and leading components of general culture. In this regard, the culture of speech also plays an important role in the formation of a cultured human personality. Theoretical and applied aspects of our speech culture are directly related to correct writing training and spelling. The article pays special attention to the study of this aspect of the issue, extensively researched and analyzed the issues related to the correct writing training of the Azerbaijani speech culture.