FIRE: Futuristic Implementations of Research in Education

FIRE: Futuristic Implementations of Research in Education

Assessment Strategies for Improving the Teaching-Learning Process for Quality Outcomes

Yazarlar: Esther Durowoju, Adams O. U. Onuka, A. Adesoji Oni

Cilt 1 , Sayı 2 , 2020 , Sayfalar 108-121


Anahtar Kelimeler:Assessment,Strategies,Teaching-learning,Quality and Outcomes

Özet: Assessment of learning outcomes is a part of a whole of the instructional process at every educational institution. In the education system, the assessment of students' learning outcomes is the most veritable parameter that is used to ascertain the justification for the money and other resources expended in the education system. It is pertinent to mention that in recent times, stakeholders seem to attest to the fact that most students acquire knowledge well via individual involvements and by linking novel evidence or materials with what they previously believe or comprehend, and this is achieved when teaching strategies that promote students' involvement are used. However, it is not a gainsaying to stress that stakeholders need to acquire adequate knowledge of the three forms of teaching strategies in order to assess teachers' classroom strategies (teaching strategies and maintaining students' discipline) effectively. Therefore, this study makes a discourse on the forms of teaching strategies and the various ways of assessing teachers' classroom strategies.

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@article{2020, title={Assessment Strategies for Improving the Teaching-Learning Process for Quality Outcomes}, volume={1}, number={108–121}, publisher={FIRE: Futuristic Implementations of Research in Education}, author={Esther Durowoju, Adams O. U. Onuka, A. Adesoji Oni}, year={2020} }
Esther Durowoju, Adams O. U. Onuka, A. Adesoji Oni. (2020). Assessment Strategies for Improving the Teaching-Learning Process for Quality Outcomes (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. FIRE: Futuristic Implementations of Research in Education.
Esther Durowoju, Adams O. U. Onuka, A. Adesoji Oni. Assessment Strategies for Improving the Teaching-Learning Process for Quality Outcomes. no. 108–121, FIRE: Futuristic Implementations of Research in Education, 2020.