Journal Of Contemporary Urban Affairs
Anahtar Kelimeler:Fikirtepe,Urban regeneration,Actors,Partnerships
Özet: It is necessary for urban regeneration projects to be carried out successfully in coordination with other actors. During the process of realising regeneration, many actors and stategically-given decision plays a crucial role. The ways how actors/factors are involved in the process, the relationships founded among them and investigating the methods followed during the process constitute the content of this study. The purpose of this study is to develop an approach with regard to the coordination establised between actors/factors participated during the regeneration process. This study covers the regeneration activities realised in Fikirtepe and its surrounding area, and it aims to solve the relationships among the actors during the time of planning and applications by using semi-structured technique, one of the qualitative research methods, and detailed interviews. Thanks to the data gained from the detailed interviews effectiveness of the actors has been determined. By the help of the findings obtained from Fikirtepe region, the relationships and coordination among the actors has been revealed and a new approach has been created (and suggested) concerning the effectiveness and coordination.