Journal of Old Turkic Studies

Journal of Old Turkic Studies

Orhun Yazıtlarındaki Durum Eklerinin Sentaktik İşlevleri Üzerine

Yazarlar: Hulusi POLAT

Cilt 3 , Sayı 2 , 2019 , Sayfalar 372 - 408

Konular:Dil ve Dil Bilim


Anahtar Kelimeler:Case suffixes,Orkhon inscriptions,Syntactic function

Özet: Case suffixes form various meaning relations in the sentence. The semantic and syntactic functions of the morphological aspects of the case suffixes should also be considered. These suffixes, whose actual functions appear in syntactic structure, serve as subjects, objects and complementary functions in the sentence. Orkhon inscriptions, which is one of the first written documents of Turkish, is an important source in the study of the grammatical development of the Turkish language. In order to determine the usage and functionality of the case suffixes in the historical period, the case suffixes used in the Orkhon inscriptions were examined in this study.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2019, title={Orhun Yazıtlarındaki Durum Eklerinin Sentaktik İşlevleri Üzerine}, volume={3}, number={2}, publisher={Journal of Old Turkic Studies}, author={Hulusi POLAT}, year={2019}, pages={372–408} }
Hulusi POLAT. (2019). Orhun Yazıtlarındaki Durum Eklerinin Sentaktik İşlevleri Üzerine (Vol. 3, pp. 372–408). Vol. 3, pp. 372–408. Journal of Old Turkic Studies.
Hulusi POLAT. Orhun Yazıtlarındaki Durum Eklerinin Sentaktik İşlevleri Üzerine. no. 2, Journal of Old Turkic Studies, 2019, pp. 372–408.