International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Konular:Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası
Anahtar Kelimeler:Integrated education,Mythologism,Chuvash poem,Folk image
Özet: In modern education, methods of an integrated approach to learning are actively used. When studying literature, knowledge from the field of related sciences is acceptable: folklore, mythology, history, psychology, social science. This makes it possible to expand students' knowledge about the art world of a work, the national picture of the world of an ethnos, and socio-historical reality. The purpose of this work is to outline the role of the poem by N. Izhendey “The Voice of the Unborn Child” in the moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation, since the poem is included in the regional component of the school curriculum. The work depicts the hardships and troubles of the 90s. The twentieth century, as well as the problem of the future of the Chuvash language and the survival of its speakers. The elements of folklore and mythology used by the author contribute to the perception by students of a holistic world view of the Chuvash people: their aspirations, fears, hopes. In addition, the author creates, as it were, a new - more accessible to the modern generation - version of the myth of the origin of arçuri (wood goblin). In the analysis of these images semantic meaning, knowledge of folklore, rites associated with the birth of a child is appropriate. So, Chuvashs call a newborn baby çĕnĕ kayăk (new bird). If this is a boy, then he is called golden bird, a girl is called silver bird. The lyrical hero calls himself fire bird, because he wants to emphasize that his soul is like fire. He promises to clear the world of people from evil and injustice with his fire. “Birth in a shirt” is perceived as a sign of a happy fate, good luck. The umbilical cord of a child also belongs to such attributes. In the poem, the umbilical cord is the organ that connects the child with the mother, a detail uniting past and future generations. As long as this organ is intact, the child will live, and the connection between generations will not be interrupted. This problem has become especially urgent at the present time - in the era of globalization and the departure from traditional values. In the poem, the author focuses the attention of readers on the importance of maintaining the connection of generations, because without the past there is no future. The swallow in Chuvash mythology has a good meaning. It is associated with hard work and the ideal of beauty, the ability to speak fluently and beautifully. In the poem, the swallow represents the Chuvash language. The mother, feeling the germ of a new life, sings songs that give rise to the Chuvash spirit in the soul of the child. At the end of the story, the soul of the lyric hero returns to its native places in the likeness of a swallow. The use of knowledge about the features of folklore, its images, and the socio-historical development of the region allows a deeper understanding of the artistic intent of the work. When analyzing it, knowledge about traditions and continuity in literature and moral ideals of an ethnos is acceptable.