International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Yazarlar: Boukhatem NADERA
Konular:Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası
Anahtar Kelimeler:Teaching Turkish as a foreign language,Intensive courses at TlemcUniversity,Challenges,Effective learning
Özet: Teaching the Turkish language in Algeria has its potential problems due to the lack of authentic language input. Algeria is a foreign language context, and this hinders learners in mastering the Turkish language in a short time ( 6 months). Moreover, other problems caused by poor instructional planning contribute to this process negatively. With these potential hindrances, the present study aims to seek what other challenges incapacitate intensive courses teaching/learning of Turkish conducted with 80 students between 23 and65 years old. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview. Results show that poor institutional planning is the leading cause of challenges experienced by Turkish native teachers. Besides this, instructional and socio-cultural/economic problems are the other challenges for teaching Turkish. Therefore, the utilization of visual and audial tools is useful in concretizing the learning process. Efforts to adapt some tools developed by the technology of our day to the class environment have become of greater importance. Simultaneously, the increase in the number of approaches to develop students’ skills of communication and cross-cultural interaction is an indicator that audial and written tools are essential for foreign language teaching. The utilization of visual and audial tools is useful in concretizing the learning process.