Journal of Scientific Research in Medical and Biological Sciences
Yazarlar: Muh. Kamil Muh. Arief, Erniwati Ibrahim, Wahiduddin Wahiduddin, Hasanuddin Ishak, Anwar Mallongi, Darmawansyah Darmawansyah
Anahtar Kelimeler:Aegypti Larvae,Knowledge,Attitude,Action
Özet: Purpose: This study aims to determine the density of Aedes aegypti larvae based on the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of the managers and congregants of the Al-Markas Al-Islami Mosque in Makassar City. Methods: This type of research is descriptive observational. There are two types of samples in this study, namely the sample of the management and congregation of the Al-Markaz Al-Islami Mosque in Makassar City and the sample of containers. For container samples as many as 165 containers. Data analysis using univariate analysis. The assessment of larvae density used the Container Index (CI) and Density Figure (DF) values. Results: The results of the analysis showed that the number of positive containers larvae was 41 containers with a CI value of 24.85% and a DF value of 6 in the high density category. Two categories were used to assess the level of knowledge, attitudes and actions of the respondents, namely the good category and the unfavorable category. The results of data analysis showed that 19 (54.3%) respondents had good knowledge and 16 (45.7%) respondents had poor knowledge, 21 (60%) respondents had good attitudes and 14 (40%) respondents had good attitudes. unfavorable, as many as 18 (51.4%) respondents had good actions and 17 (48.6%) respondents had unfavorable actions. It is advisable to do counseling about the dangers of dengue disease and health training related to efforts to eradicate mosquito nests. Conclusion: The density of Aedes aegypti larvae in containers at the Al-Markaz Al-Islami Mosque in Makassar City and the congregation's house is in the high density category.