Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)

Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)

Effects of Tribulus terrestris, Avena sativa and White Ginseng on Adiponectin, Leptin, Resistin, Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Homocysteine and Paraoxonase-1 Levels in Hypercholesterolemic Rats

Yazarlar: Ahmet NALBANT, Ali BİLGİLİ, Basak HANEDAN, Mehmet AKDOĞAN

Cilt 3 , Sayı 2 , 2020 , Sayfalar 135 - 142

Konular:Kimya, Ortak Disiplinler


Anahtar Kelimeler:Hypercholesterolemia,Adipokines,Homocysteine,Paraoxonase-1,Herbal treatment

Özet: This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of Tribulus terrestris (TT), Avena sativa (AS), white ginseng (WG), and a triple combination (TC) powder on adipokines, homocysteine and paraoxonase-1 levels in hypercholesterolemic rats. Hypercholesterolemia in rats was induced by diet added 2% cholesterol. Herbal treatment groups consisted of Group III (TT), Group IV (AS), Group V (WG) and Group VI (triple combination of TT, AS, and WG). Significant increase in total cholesterol, LDL-C, homocysteine, leptin and resistin levels (P<0.05) and insignificant decrease in adiponectin, and paraoxonase-1 levels (P>0.05) were found in hypercholesterolemic rats. The treatment combination with TT, AS and WG significantly reduced total cholesterol, LDL-C, homocysteine, leptin and resistin levels in hypercholesterolemic rats (P<0.05). In conclusion, it was found that TT, AS and WG had positive effects on reversing the effects of hypercholesterolemia in rats. The combination treatment with TT, AS and WG may have therapeutic effects in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.

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@article{2020, title={Effects of Tribulus terrestris, Avena sativa and White Ginseng on Adiponectin, Leptin, Resistin, Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Homocysteine and Paraoxonase-1 Levels in Hypercholesterolemic Rats}, volume={3}, number={135–142}, publisher={Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)}, author={Ahmet NALBANT,Ali BİLGİLİ,Basak HANEDAN,Mehmet AKDOĞAN}, year={2020} }
Ahmet NALBANT,Ali BİLGİLİ,Basak HANEDAN,Mehmet AKDOĞAN. (2020). Effects of Tribulus terrestris, Avena sativa and White Ginseng on Adiponectin, Leptin, Resistin, Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Homocysteine and Paraoxonase-1 Levels in Hypercholesterolemic Rats (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP).
Ahmet NALBANT,Ali BİLGİLİ,Basak HANEDAN,Mehmet AKDOĞAN. Effects of Tribulus Terrestris, Avena Sativa and White Ginseng on Adiponectin, Leptin, Resistin, Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4, Homocysteine and Paraoxonase-1 Levels in Hypercholesterolemic Rats. no. 135–142, Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP), 2020.