International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling
Yazarlar: Maxwell-borjor Achuk EBA
Konular:Çevre Bilimleri
Anahtar Kelimeler:State of Nature,Education,Sustainable development,Environment
Özet: It is observed by several authors (Uyanga 1985; Norris 2016; Uwadiegwu & Iyi 2015; Ajaps, S., & McLellan 2015; Ebhote & Odia 2020) that there is a lacuna in teaching Environmental Education in the Nigerian schools. This is because the curriculum neglects the developmental aspect of sustainable development. If this is allowed to continue, then Education for sustainable development becomes unilateral. Education should be aimed at empowering learners with the ability and desire to work towards realizing sustainable development, both locally and globally. This includes the awareness and knowledge about the environmental development (Cognitive); develop willingness, desirable attitude, feelings and values required (Affective); also to act with the essential competence and skills (Action-oriented). Hence there is a need to incorporate social, political, and economic aspects that should be considered together within the existing curriculum. It is in the whims of teachers to develop a positive attitude towards ESD and also integrate ESD meaningfully into the existing curriculum.