International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science
Yazarlar: Lisda Syamsumardian, Abdul Rachmad Budiono, Moh Fadli, Dhiana Puspitawati
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: Indonesia's strategic geographic position as a link between the Central and Middle East Asia regions with Australia in the movement of migration flow has made Indonesia a transit area that many immigrants pass through. What needs to be watched out for are illegal entrances (mouse path), both sea routes and land routes, considering that Indonesia is a large archipelagic country and existing crossings have not been optimally guarded. Looking at these conditions, the existence of a world organization in Indonesia that deals with refugees, namely the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), can provide some temporary or permanent solutions, with short or long processes and mechanisms, which must be passed by refugees. The existence of refugees in Indonesia should be managed by the flow of the process in which refugees will be placed in third countries. In the waiting process when they will be dispatched to a third country, the refugees occupy a shelter which is then under the supervision of RUDENIM (Immigration Detention Center). From the description above, the problem in this research is studying RUDENIM's supervisory function on additional tasks in the context of immigration control of refugees in the aspect of state sovereignty. The research method used in answering problems is using normative juridical research methods, by analyzing secondary data and legal materials related to statutory regulations, books, and scientific journals. This research also uses several approaches, namely statutory approach, conceptual approach, and case approach.