Language Teaching and Educational Research
Yazarlar: Julia HABA-OSCA, Alba AMBRÒS, Julia OSCA-LLUCH
Konular:Eğitim, Bilimsel Disiplinler
Anahtar Kelimeler:Children's literature,Scientific production,Bibliometrics,Web of Science
Özet: Children’s literature has raised the interest of different disciplines and has strongly emerged not only in society but also in school and university curricula. This paper aims to analyse production in children’s literature and determine the discipline’s scientific activity published in international scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science. A total of 1,558 papers published in 474 journals were retrieved. The results show an increase in the number of papers on children’s literature over time. Document typology was highly diverse, scientific articles and book reviews accounting for more than 85% of the total production. Lion and the Unicorn, Children’s Literature in Education, and International Research in Children’s Literature were the journals with the highest production. The journals analysed were classified under 96 different subject categories, Literature and Educational research being the areas with the largest number of publications.