Uluslararası Suçlar ve Tarih
Yazarlar: Turgut Kerem TUNCEL
Anahtar Kelimeler:Social memory,Socio-politics of social memory,Memoryagents,Collected memory,Collective memory,New structural memory,History
Özet: The parties of a substantial number of the present-day ethnonational conflicts base their claims on the assertion of victimhood basedon past wrong-doings. As such, understanding the roots, continuationand allegation of the victimhood claims is a compulsory step for thecomprehension and the resolution of the contemporary conflicts. Thesense of victimhood often grows out of the social memory of theethnic/national groups. Social memory also helps to sustain the victimidentity of the group and also utilized by the group to evidence itsvictimhood. Therefore, the first step to understand the dynamics of senseand claim of victimhood is the comprehension of the dynamics of socialmemory. This study is a lengthy review of the social memory literature.It seeks to display the major conceptualizations of social memory and themain schools, approaches and debates in the literature