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Anahtar Kelimeler:1878 April Uprising,Bulgaria,Great Powers,OttomanEmpires
Özet: The importance of the 1876 April uprising lies not in itsunique nature or scope but in the international repercussions that itincited. The rebellion itself was ill-prepared, ill executed and utterlyunsuccessful. It ended in defeat. Nonetheless, the defeat was a success,in the sense that it provided the avenue by which Great Powersintervention could occur. The Ottoman Empire was the only Muslimgreat power. It was also the only Muslim state to rule over a vastChristian population, a great number of which resided in Rumelia.Throughout the nineteenth century the Great Powers - AustriaHungary, Great Britain, France, Russia and the latecomers, Germanyand Italy - engaged in a full-fledged struggle to win the hearts andminds of the Balkan Christians, and thus draw them into their ownsphere of influence. The Bulgarian revolt became an important step ina chain of events that would eventually result in the creation of a newstate, Bulgaria. It could be argued that the April uprising in 1876 leddirectly to the outbreak of the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-78, whichwould change the map of Europe and create a new balance of power inwhich Germany would play a leading role