Uluslararası Suçlar ve Tarih
Yazarlar: Roman BAIDUK
Anahtar Kelimeler:Discourse,Intermarium,Kresy Wschodnie,Poland,Populism,Ukraine
Özet: This article analyzes modern Polish society’s perception ofUkraine. Several traditional Polish spatial narratives can beidentified, ranging from Kresy Wschodnie (i.e., Eastern Regions - thepost(neo)colonialist geopolitical and cultural concept which regardslands of Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania that belonged to the SecondPolish Republic in the interwar period as a “lost dominion of Poland”)to the idea of Intermarium (the powerful regional political, military,and economic alliance of the nations between Black Sea and BalticSea). Poland has not avoided contemporary European tendency of theright populism’s rise, though not without its own specific. The rulingPolish party Prawo i Sprawiedliwość or PiS (Law and Justice Party)masterfully exploits nationalistic sentiments of the electorate andappeals to the so called “traditional values,” indirectly legitimizingthe ultra-right-wing political movements, the presence of which onsocial and political landscape of Poland is becoming more and morenoticeable. In fact, it is Poland’s shift to the right of the politicalspectrum, which creates the conditions for the change of Polish publicopinion towards Ukraine