The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Management of Abdomlnal Aortlc Anerysms: Are Tube Grafts sre Adequste?

Yazarlar: Murat BAYAZIT, Erol ŞENER, Binali MAVİTAŞ, Oğuz TAŞDEMİR , Kemal BEYAZIT

Cilt 3 , Sayı 3 , 1994 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:-

Özet: Reconstruction of abdominal aorta with straight grafts for the surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms, is an unsettled matter of vascular surgery that is prone to discussion, because of the possibility of late iliac occlusion or aneurysm formation. For this reason, 125 cases of abdominal aort aneuryms, which were oparated electively are evaluated retrospec­ tively. in 74 of the cases (59.2 %) bifurcated grafts, and inh 61 of the cases (40.8 %) straight grafts were used. There was not any significant difference in general risk factors between groups. The mean operation time was found 45 min­ utes shorter approximately in the straight graft group. Alsa in the straight graft group, none of the patients, except 1 case, required homologue blood transfusions, whereas in bifurcated graft group, patients required a mean of 1.5 U/ patient of homologue blood transfusion. in the early postoperative period, occlusion of the graft was seen in one case in the straight graft group, but in the bifurcated graft group 2 cases of early graft occlusion was seen additional to tehe 1 case of excessive bleeding and 1 case of colon necrosis. Surgical mortality of bifurcated graft group was found to be 5.4 % with 4 lethal cases. However, tliis was found 3.9 % in straight graft group. The mean !ate follow-up of the bi­ furcated graft groups is 3.8 years. The straight graft group has a lata follow-up 2.4 years (mean). in the !ate term, oc­ clusion of one the limbs of the graft was sein in 1 case, stricture of uretery in 1 case and aneruysm formation in the proximal suture line in 1case i•n the bifurcated graft group, whereas no late term morbitidy such as iliac occlusion or aneurysm formation was noted for straight graft group. As a conclusion, we believe that if the iliac arteries are free of occlusions or aneurysmatic dilatations, there is no any need tor porhylactic interpositioning of bifurcated grafts. Aortic straight graft applications are effective and suffi­ cient for the treatment of abdominal aortic aeurysms in cases with normal iliac arteries.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{1994, title={Management of Abdomlnal Aortlc Anerysms: Are Tube Grafts sre Adequste?}, volume={3}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Murat BAYAZIT, Erol ŞENER, Binali MAVİTAŞ, Oğuz TAŞDEMİR , Kemal BEYAZIT}, year={1994} }
Murat BAYAZIT, Erol ŞENER, Binali MAVİTAŞ, Oğuz TAŞDEMİR , Kemal BEYAZIT. (1994). Management of Abdomlnal Aortlc Anerysms: Are Tube Grafts sre Adequste? (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Murat BAYAZIT, Erol ŞENER, Binali MAVİTAŞ, Oğuz TAŞDEMİR , Kemal BEYAZIT. Management of Abdomlnal Aortlc Anerysms: Are Tube Grafts Sre Adequste? no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1994.