The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Use of lntraoperative Autotransfusion in Abdominal Aortic Surgery

Yazarlar: Ahmet Turan YILMAZ, Ufuk DEMİRKILIÇ, Ertuğrul ÖZAL, Mehmet ASLAN, Erkan KURALAY, Hakan BİNGÖL, Bilgehan Savaş ÖZ, Harun TATAR, Omer Yüksel ÖZTÜRK

Cilt 4 , Sayı 2 , 1995 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:-

Özet: Since January 1993 to June 1994 in Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Cardiovascular Surgery Department we closed 20 patients whom we did infrarenal aorto abdominal surgery, 1O of them we chose as a control group (group il) and we gaved intraoperative autotransfusion to the other 1O patients (group 1). The average of the patients ages were 60 (40-72). There were no significant preoperative differences between the two groups. At postoperative first hour the results were Hb 11.8 gm/dl, Hct % 37, Trombocytes 184.000/ml, fibrinogen 354 mg/dl, protrombin time 15 sec., and ac­ tivated clotting time (ACT) 147 sec. in group 1. in group 11, these results were Hb 9.2 gm/dl, Hct % 34, Trombocytes 190.000/ml, fibrinogen 376 mg/dl, protrombin time 14 sec., and activated clotting time 142 sec. (P> 0.05). in gr9.up 1, the patients were gi'{.en 720 mi (500-2000 mi) autotransfusion. The average of homologous transfusions were 0.2 U (0-2) in group I and 2.1 U (0-4) in group il (p< 0.05). Asa results; usage of itraoperative autotransfusion decreased the quantiti­ es of homologous transfusion significantly and no negative effects were seen on hematological values and coaqulation mechanisms.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{1995, title={Use of lntraoperative Autotransfusion in Abdominal Aortic Surgery}, volume={4}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Ahmet Turan YILMAZ, Ufuk DEMİRKILIÇ, Ertuğrul ÖZAL, Mehmet ASLAN, Erkan KURALAY,  Hakan BİNGÖL, Bilgehan Savaş ÖZ, Harun TATAR, Omer Yüksel ÖZTÜRK}, year={1995} }
Ahmet Turan YILMAZ, Ufuk DEMİRKILIÇ, Ertuğrul ÖZAL, Mehmet ASLAN, Erkan KURALAY,  Hakan BİNGÖL, Bilgehan Savaş ÖZ, Harun TATAR, Omer Yüksel ÖZTÜRK. (1995). Use of lntraoperative Autotransfusion in Abdominal Aortic Surgery (Vol. 4). Vol. 4. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Ahmet Turan YILMAZ, Ufuk DEMİRKILIÇ, Ertuğrul ÖZAL, Mehmet ASLAN, Erkan KURALAY,  Hakan BİNGÖL, Bilgehan Savaş ÖZ, Harun TATAR, Omer Yüksel ÖZTÜRK. Use of Lntraoperative Autotransfusion in Abdominal Aortic Surgery. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1995.