The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Surgical Treatment of Aneurysm of the lntrathoracic Segment of the Left Subclavian Artery

Yazarlar: Gökhan İPEK, Timuçin OĞUŞ, Ömer IŞIK, Tolga KUTLU, Turan BERKİ, ALi GÜRBÜZ, Mehmet BALKANAY, Cevat YAKUT

Cilt 5 , Sayı 1 , 1996 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:-

Özet: Posttraumatic fusiform aneurysm of the proximal left subclavian artery involvirig the proximal descending aor­ ta is quite rare. A 35 year old male patient complaining of back ache for one year was treated for such an ane­ urysm. A median ternotomy was performed and the incision was extended for 10 cm. towards while crossing the left clavicle. A 12 mm. Dacron graft bypass was perform ed between arcus aorta and descending thoracic aorta. Later.the three outlets of the aneurysms were ligated with teflon bands . Another bypass with 6 mm. Gore­ Tex graft was performed between'the graft and left subclavian artery. There were no complication and the pat i ­ ents is doin@ well at two year follow up.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{1996, title={Surgical Treatment of Aneurysm of the lntrathoracic Segment of the Left Subclavian Artery}, volume={5}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Gökhan İPEK, Timuçin OĞUŞ, Ömer IŞIK, Tolga KUTLU, Turan BERKİ, ALi GÜRBÜZ, Mehmet BALKANAY, Cevat YAKUT}, year={1996} }
Gökhan İPEK, Timuçin OĞUŞ, Ömer IŞIK, Tolga KUTLU, Turan BERKİ, ALi GÜRBÜZ, Mehmet BALKANAY, Cevat YAKUT. (1996). Surgical Treatment of Aneurysm of the lntrathoracic Segment of the Left Subclavian Artery (Vol. 5). Vol. 5. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Gökhan İPEK, Timuçin OĞUŞ, Ömer IŞIK, Tolga KUTLU, Turan BERKİ, ALi GÜRBÜZ, Mehmet BALKANAY, Cevat YAKUT. Surgical Treatment of Aneurysm of the Lntrathoracic Segment of the Left Subclavian Artery. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1996.