The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Management of intestinal ischemia cases

Yazarlar: Korhan TAVİLOĞLU, Kayıhan GÜNAY, Oktar ASOĞLU, Cemalettin ERTEKİN, Mehmet KURTOĞLU

Cilt 5 , Sayı 1 , 1996 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:-

Özet: In this study, 86 cases (46 male and 40 female) of intestinal ischemia,treated in the lası 10 years were eva­ luated retrospectively. The average age of whom was b'-3 (14 -80 ). The main clinical finding s were: general ab­ dominal tenderness in 100 %, distention in 66.3 % tachyarythmiain 51.2 % and rebound tenderness in 50 %. The average period between the onset of symptoms and presentatiton to the clinical was 72 hours. During sur­ gery, 60 cases (69.8 %) were determined as mesenteric artery embolism, 12 cases (14 %) as mesenteric artery thrombosis and 14 cases (16.2 %) as non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) cases of were superior mesen­ teric artery and inferior mesenteric artery thrombosis and 3 were celiac and superior mesenteric artery thrombo­ sis. 18 cases (20.9 %) required second-look. The mortality rate was 88.3 %. 6.9 % of the cases died peroperati­ vely, 46.5 % during the first two postoperative days, 22.1 % between 2nd and 1O th days and 12.8 % after the 10th day. Only 11.7 % of the cases could be discharged. Lale diagnosis was the major cause tor !his high mor­ tality rate. in our country, this can be related to the misdiagnosis of the doctors taking care of the initial evaluati­ on and the !ate referral of patient to the surgeon. Other reasons are: our obligatio n to perform wide resections in halt of the cases, lack of routine angiography in the initial evaluation, lack of intra-arterial pa paverin use and im­ proper digital consumption.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{1996, title={Management of intestinal ischemia cases}, volume={5}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Korhan TAVİLOĞLU, Kayıhan GÜNAY, Oktar ASOĞLU, Cemalettin ERTEKİN, Mehmet KURTOĞLU}, year={1996} }
Korhan TAVİLOĞLU, Kayıhan GÜNAY, Oktar ASOĞLU, Cemalettin ERTEKİN, Mehmet KURTOĞLU. (1996). Management of intestinal ischemia cases (Vol. 5). Vol. 5. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Korhan TAVİLOĞLU, Kayıhan GÜNAY, Oktar ASOĞLU, Cemalettin ERTEKİN, Mehmet KURTOĞLU. Management of Intestinal Ischemia Cases. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1996.