The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Traumatic Upper Extremity Arterial lnjuries in Children

Yazarlar: İlhan İNCİ, Cemal ÖZÇELİK, Akın ERASLAN BALCI, Nail KANDEMİR, Nesimi EREN, Gökalp ÖZGEN

Cilt 5 , Sayı 3 , 1996 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Arterial injuries,Pediatric trauma,Upper estremity vascular injuries

Özet: Aim of investigation: Vascular injuries in children are less frequent than in adults and iatrogenic causes consti­ tute the most common etiology. The aim of this report is to characterize traumatic upper extremity arterial injuries in children. Methods: in the last 8 years hospital records of 37 childrnn less than 15 years old who were managed in our clinic due to traumatic upper extremity arterial injury were retrospectively reviewed. Results: The mean age was 9.44±3.86 years (range 3-15). Trauma was penetratingin 75.6 % and blunt in 24.3 % of the cases. Brachial artery was the most commonly injured artery (40.5 %). The injured artery was repaired in ali but 2 patients. End-to-end anastomosis was performed in 26 and saphenous veiıı graft replacement in 10 inju­ries. Nerves were injured in 43.2 % of the cases. The ratio of associated bone fractures and venous injuries were 18.9 % and 16.2 %, respectively. AII associated injuries were managed at the same time of the arterial repair. Mean hospitalization period was 6.45±3.28 days. There was no in-hospital mortality. Conclusion: Although the mortality and amputation rates were low in upper extremity arterial injuries, high mor­ bidity rates may occur especially in the presence of nerve injuries.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{1996, title={Traumatic Upper Extremity Arterial lnjuries in Children}, volume={5}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={İlhan İNCİ, Cemal ÖZÇELİK, Akın ERASLAN BALCI, Nail KANDEMİR, Nesimi EREN, Gökalp ÖZGEN}, year={1996} }
İlhan İNCİ, Cemal ÖZÇELİK, Akın ERASLAN BALCI, Nail KANDEMİR, Nesimi EREN, Gökalp ÖZGEN. (1996). Traumatic Upper Extremity Arterial lnjuries in Children (Vol. 5). Vol. 5. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
İlhan İNCİ, Cemal ÖZÇELİK, Akın ERASLAN BALCI, Nail KANDEMİR, Nesimi EREN, Gökalp ÖZGEN. Traumatic Upper Extremity Arterial Lnjuries in Children. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1996.