The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Popliteal Artery Aneursyms

Yazarlar: Kamil KAYNAK, Aşkın ALİ KORKMAZ, Kazım BEŞİRLİ, Cengiz KÖKSAL, Hasan SUNAR, Fikret KOCAMAZ, Hasan TUZUN, Fikret Sami VURAL, Erkan AHAT

Cilt 5 , Sayı 3 , 1996 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Popliteal artery aneurysm,Acute thrombosis,Lschemic disease

Özet: Popliteal Artery Aneurysms are the most common seen peripheral artery aneurym. Eleven patients diagnosed of having Popliteal Artery Aneurysm were operated during the years 19.84-1994 in Department of Thoracic and Cardio­ vascular Surgery, lstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, lstanbul Türkiye. Of eleven patients (9 male, 2 female) age between 22-71 (average: 47.4). Six had pain and edema in the popliteal area, two had bleeding and three suffered from lower extremity ischemia on application to our department. The aneurysm was secondary to Behçet's Disease in 3 patients. Surgical treatment included 9 aneurysmectomy and 2 popliteal artery ligation. Of the nine patients who had aneurysmectomy, five had saphenous veni bypass and the remaining three had synthetic graft bypass. Lumbar Sympathectomy was performed in one patient. Hospitalisation period averaged 11 days. Ali patients were treated with antiaggregan drugs postoperatively. Above knee amputation was compulsory in one pa­ tient (9.09 %), no other major and minor amputation were applied. in the wiev of literature we emphasized our expe­ rience in the evolution and treatment of Popliteal artery aneurysm.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{1996, title={Popliteal  Artery Aneursyms}, volume={5}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Kamil KAYNAK, Aşkın ALİ KORKMAZ, Kazım BEŞİRLİ, Cengiz KÖKSAL, Hasan SUNAR, Fikret KOCAMAZ, Hasan TUZUN, Fikret Sami VURAL, Erkan AHAT}, year={1996} }
Kamil KAYNAK, Aşkın ALİ KORKMAZ, Kazım BEŞİRLİ, Cengiz KÖKSAL, Hasan SUNAR, Fikret KOCAMAZ, Hasan TUZUN, Fikret Sami VURAL, Erkan AHAT. (1996). Popliteal  Artery Aneursyms (Vol. 5). Vol. 5. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Kamil KAYNAK, Aşkın ALİ KORKMAZ, Kazım BEŞİRLİ, Cengiz KÖKSAL, Hasan SUNAR, Fikret KOCAMAZ, Hasan TUZUN, Fikret Sami VURAL, Erkan AHAT. Popliteal  Artery Aneursyms. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1996.