The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery


Yazarlar: Levent Dertsiz, Necdet Öz, Abdullah Erdoğan, Abid Demircan, Erol Işın

Cilt 10 , Sayı 2 , 2001 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Trauma,Popliteal artery,Reconstruction

Özet: Aim: in spite of new developments in resuscitation, patient transportation and vascular surgery techniques, amputa­ tion ratio is stili high in patients with popliteal vascular traumas (PVT). The aim of !his studyis to report our experi­ ence on !his subject Material and Methods: We retrospectively examined 21 patients with PVT who were referred ta our department bet­ ween January 1993-December 1997. There were 20 males and 1 female aged between 7-65 years and median age was 31,2 . Eight patients had blunt trauma, the remaining 13 patients had penetration injury. AII the patients were tre­ ated with reconstructive surgical methods (reversed saphenous vein by-pass, primary anastomosis, fistula repair and ligation) Results : in four patients, six thromboembolectomy were performed totally. Eight amputations were performed aut of 21 patients . Three of !hem were at early period whereas five amputations were performed at later periods. Na mor­ tality occured. Conclusion: The reasons lor the high amputation rate in PVT patients treated with reconstructive methods are delays in diagnosis and defective treatment (especially delays in surgical intervention to !he patients primarily observed by orthopaedic surgeons, it vascular injury is not suspected). Early diagnosis and proper surgical techniques are impor­ tant lor better outcome. The patients with suspected vascular injury must be transferred ta vascular surgery centers as soon as possible.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2001, title={POPLITEAL VASCULAR TRAUMAS}, volume={10}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Levent Dertsiz, Necdet Öz, Abdullah Erdoğan, Abid Demircan, Erol Işın}, year={2001} }
Levent Dertsiz, Necdet Öz, Abdullah Erdoğan, Abid Demircan, Erol Işın. (2001). POPLITEAL VASCULAR TRAUMAS (Vol. 10). Vol. 10. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Levent Dertsiz, Necdet Öz, Abdullah Erdoğan, Abid Demircan, Erol Işın. POPLITEAL VASCULAR TRAUMAS. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2001.