The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery


Yazarlar: Ufuk YETKİN, Ayhan AKÇAY, Cengiz ÖZBEK, Serdar BİÇEROĞLU, Nagihan KARAHAN, Ali GÜRBÜZ

Cilt 12 , Sayı 1 , 2003 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Extra-anatomic bypass,Axillofemoral bypass,Aorto-iliac occlusive disease

Özet: Purpose: Today axillofemoral grafting is a frequent procedure in elderly patients with severe lower limb ischemia. Axillofemoral bypass is a convenient and even the only alternative in the patients with high-risk and if there are technical problems. Methods: We performed axillofemoral bypass grafting in 16 patients to relieve the lower limb ischemia between 1996 January and 2002 December. All cases were men and mean age was 64. In 14(87.5%) cases axillofemoral and in 2 (12.5%) cases axillo-unifemoral bypass were performed. We used ringed PTFE graft in all patients. During axillofemoral procedure we preferred local infiltration anesthesia in 3 cases and general anesthesia in the others. One case went under axillofemoral grafting and right femoropopliteal saphenous graft bypass simultaneously (6.25%). Results: Mean follow-up duration was 3.4 years (ranged between 3 months and 6 years). Average hospital stay was 7.8 days. None of the cases needed revision or graft thrombosis in early postoperative period and no graft infection was seen. One patient was died due to anterolateral myocardial infarction at postoperative 4th month. In a case thrombosis developed at femorofemoral graft segment at postoperative 3th week and thrombectomy was unsuccessful so that femoropopliteal bypass with saphenous graft was performed for obtained an optimal run off. At 19 th and 28th months late period graft thrombosis was found in 2 (12.5%) cases. Conclusion: In this series there wasn"t any mortality and morbidity rate was low and it was suggested that axillofemoral bypass can be used successfully and safely in high risk ischemic legs" revascularization and it can be performed as an alternative to anatomic reconstruction. (Turkish J Vasc Surg 2003; 12(1): 19-24)

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2003, title={“OUR AXILLO-FEMORAL EXTRA-ANATOMIC BYPASS GRAFTS APPLICATIONS”}, volume={12}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Ufuk YETKİN, Ayhan AKÇAY, Cengiz ÖZBEK, Serdar BİÇEROĞLU, Nagihan KARAHAN, Ali GÜRBÜZ}, year={2003} }
Ufuk YETKİN, Ayhan AKÇAY, Cengiz ÖZBEK, Serdar BİÇEROĞLU, Nagihan KARAHAN, Ali GÜRBÜZ. (2003). “OUR AXILLO-FEMORAL EXTRA-ANATOMIC BYPASS GRAFTS APPLICATIONS” (Vol. 12). Vol. 12. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Ufuk YETKİN, Ayhan AKÇAY, Cengiz ÖZBEK, Serdar BİÇEROĞLU, Nagihan KARAHAN, Ali GÜRBÜZ. “OUR AXILLO-FEMORAL EXTRA-ANATOMIC BYPASS GRAFTS APPLICATIONS.” no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2003.