The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Hemodiyaliz Amaçlı Arteriovenöz Fistüllerde Preoperatif Haritalamanın Kısa Dönem Sonuçlarımıza Etkisi

Yazarlar: Alptekin YASIM, Hafize ÖKSÜZ, Mehmet KABALCI, Erdinç EROĞLU, Hayriye SAYARLIOĞLU, Ekrem DOĞAN

Cilt 17 , Sayı 3 , 2008 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Arteriovenous fistula,Preoperative mapping

Özet: Background: The aim of this study is to present the patients with arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis access in our clinic. Material and Methods: Arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis access was created in 50 patients between February 2005 and February 2007 in our clinic. The patients were 27 male and 23 female, their ages were between 10 and 81 years (mean 57.4 ± 14.3). While the procedure was made in 14 patients before hemodialysis treatment, in 36 patients arteriovenous fistula was created on hemodialysis treatment. The mapping was carried out with a portable simple ultrasonography device in 17 patients with unavailable visualized vein in preoperative evaluation. Results: While arteriovenous fistula was created first time in 38 cases, invention was carried out in 12 cases by other centers. The most common localization of site for arteriovenous fistula was left wrist with 32 cases. The patients were followed up mean 11.06 ± 7.1 mounts. Access failure in early period was found 6 of the 50 patients. These patients were not carried out preoperative mapping. Primary patency rate was 84.8% and seconder patency rate was 86.1% according to the Kaplan- Meier method in these patients. There was no access failure in short-time period in patients subject to preoperative mapping. Primary patency rate was 88% and seconder patency rate was 94.3% in all cases. Conclusion: The perioperative mapping using a simple, portable ultrasonography device for arteriovenous fistula is together with high patency rate.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2008, title={Hemodiyaliz Amaçlı Arteriovenöz Fistüllerde Preoperatif Haritalamanın Kısa Dönem Sonuçlarımıza Etkisi}, volume={17}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Alptekin YASIM, Hafize ÖKSÜZ, Mehmet KABALCI, Erdinç EROĞLU, Hayriye SAYARLIOĞLU, Ekrem DOĞAN}, year={2008} }
Alptekin YASIM, Hafize ÖKSÜZ, Mehmet KABALCI, Erdinç EROĞLU, Hayriye SAYARLIOĞLU, Ekrem DOĞAN. (2008). Hemodiyaliz Amaçlı Arteriovenöz Fistüllerde Preoperatif Haritalamanın Kısa Dönem Sonuçlarımıza Etkisi (Vol. 17). Vol. 17. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Alptekin YASIM, Hafize ÖKSÜZ, Mehmet KABALCI, Erdinç EROĞLU, Hayriye SAYARLIOĞLU, Ekrem DOĞAN. Hemodiyaliz Amaçlı Arteriovenöz Fistüllerde Preoperatif Haritalamanın Kısa Dönem Sonuçlarımıza Etkisi. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2008.