The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Minimal İnvazif Yüzeyel Ven Cerrahisinde 5 Yıllık Deneyimimiz: GATA Protokolü

Yazarlar: Suat DOĞANCI, Erkan KAYA, M. Ali ŞAHİN, Kubilay KARABACAK, Adem GÜLER, Gökhan EROL, Vedat YILDIRIM, Celalettin GÜNAY, Cengiz BOLCAL, Faruk CİNGÖZ, Bilgehan Savaş ÖZ, Ertuğrul ÖZAL, Ufuk DEMİRKILIÇ, Mehmet ARSLAN

Cilt 19 , Sayı 3 , 2010 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Vein surgery; venous insufficiency; varicose veins

Özet: Objective: Surgical Stripping of Great and Small Saphenous Veins (GSV/SSV) is still accepted as the gold standard treatment modality. In the present study we aimed to share our 5-year clinical experience in minimal invasive approach for superficial vein surgery. Material and Methods: Between January 2004 and June 2010 a total of 1281 patients were underwent superficial vein surgery for GSV and/or SSV insufficiencies. A detailed physical and Doppler examination was performed preoperatively to all patients. CEAP classifications were determined. Preferred method for GSV insufficiencies was over the knee partial stripping. Preoperative Doppler ultrasound marking facilitated to approach SSVs through small skin incisions. Concomitant phlebectomies were also performed in the same session with strpipping. All procedures were performed under midazolam sedation. Morbidities such as incision infection, hematoma, ecchymosis, induration and nerve injuries in the 3 months peri- od following surgery were questioned. Results: Mean age was 29.9±12.4 years. 1081 of the patients were male and 200 were female. According to the CEAP classification 782 patients were C2, 343 were C3, 120 were C4 and 23 were C5. 74 were underwent SSV stripping while 27 underwent only miniphle- bectomy and 1180 were underwent GSV stripping. Target limb was left in 513, right in 424 and bilateral in 279 patients. In the early postoperative period two groin infections were detected. There was hematoma needing intervention. Short durations of numbness was seen in 57 patients in complete GSV stripping group and 5 patients in SSV stripping group. Conclusion: Minimal invasive surgical inter- ventions that performed under ultrasound guidance with low morbidity rates is efficient and safe methods and easily acceptable by the patients.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2010, title={Minimal İnvazif Yüzeyel Ven Cerrahisinde 5 Yıllık Deneyimimiz: GATA Protokolü}, volume={19}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Suat DOĞANCI, Erkan KAYA, M. Ali ŞAHİN, Kubilay KARABACAK, Adem GÜLER, Gökhan EROL, Vedat YILDIRIM, Celalettin GÜNAY, Cengiz BOLCAL, Faruk CİNGÖZ, Bilgehan Savaş ÖZ, Ertuğrul ÖZAL, Ufuk DEMİRKILIÇ, Mehmet ARSLAN}, year={2010} }
Suat DOĞANCI, Erkan KAYA, M. Ali ŞAHİN, Kubilay KARABACAK, Adem GÜLER, Gökhan EROL, Vedat YILDIRIM, Celalettin GÜNAY, Cengiz BOLCAL, Faruk CİNGÖZ, Bilgehan Savaş ÖZ, Ertuğrul ÖZAL, Ufuk DEMİRKILIÇ, Mehmet ARSLAN. (2010). Minimal İnvazif Yüzeyel Ven Cerrahisinde 5 Yıllık Deneyimimiz: GATA Protokolü (Vol. 19). Vol. 19. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Suat DOĞANCI, Erkan KAYA, M. Ali ŞAHİN, Kubilay KARABACAK, Adem GÜLER, Gökhan EROL, Vedat YILDIRIM, Celalettin GÜNAY, Cengiz BOLCAL, Faruk CİNGÖZ, Bilgehan Savaş ÖZ, Ertuğrul ÖZAL, Ufuk DEMİRKILIÇ, Mehmet ARSLAN. Minimal İnvazif Yüzeyel Ven Cerrahisinde 5 Yıllık Deneyimimiz: GATA Protokolü. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2010.