The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Akut Aort Diseksiyonunda Hibrid Tedavi: Çıkan Aorta ve Arkus Aorta Replasmanını Takiben Endovasküler Aortik Stent Yerleştirilmesi

Yazarlar: Hakkı Tankut AKAY, Erdal ASLIM, Ali HARMAN, Oktay KORUN, Atilla SEZGİN

Cilt 20 , Sayı 1 , 2011 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Aorta,Thoracic; aortic disease

Özet: Acute aortic dissection is a life threating patology with the need of urgent intervention. Treatment can be with surgical approach or with endovascular intervention in suitable patients. Another choice of treatment is the combination of these two surgical and endovascular interventions. An acute aortic dissection DeBakey type I (Stanford type A)was diagnosed in a 58 year-old male patient who had come to our emergency clinic with acute and severe back and leg pain. Urgent aortic arch replacement was performed. Following the surgical ICU stay period, control tomography was performed due to the observation of a persistant back pain and a doubtful hemiparesia leading to the planning of an endovascular stent grafting. For this aim an endovascular stent graft was applied to dissected aortic wall distally to surgically replaced aortic segment. Patient was treated with this hybrid intervention and discharged with no morbidity. In this disease, an urgent surgical intervention with high mortality can be performed or a hybrid therapy which limits the borders of surgical approach can be applied to selected suitable patients.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2011, title={Akut Aort Diseksiyonunda Hibrid Tedavi: Çıkan Aorta ve Arkus Aorta Replasmanını Takiben Endovasküler Aortik Stent Yerleştirilmesi}, volume={20}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Hakkı Tankut AKAY, Erdal ASLIM, Ali HARMAN, Oktay KORUN, Atilla SEZGİN}, year={2011} }
Hakkı Tankut AKAY, Erdal ASLIM, Ali HARMAN, Oktay KORUN, Atilla SEZGİN. (2011). Akut Aort Diseksiyonunda Hibrid Tedavi: Çıkan Aorta ve Arkus Aorta Replasmanını Takiben Endovasküler Aortik Stent Yerleştirilmesi (Vol. 20). Vol. 20. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Hakkı Tankut AKAY, Erdal ASLIM, Ali HARMAN, Oktay KORUN, Atilla SEZGİN. Akut Aort Diseksiyonunda Hibrid Tedavi: Çıkan Aorta ve Arkus Aorta Replasmanını Takiben Endovasküler Aortik Stent Yerleştirilmesi. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2011.